everypup! So as I mentioned yesterday, something BAD happened to me while mom was away. We're still not clear what happened, but if my
auntie didn't find me, it could have been a lot worse! When she found me around 11am, my collar was stuck in my mouth. Mom and dad made my collar tight so I would not be able to get my mouth around it to chew it off. They think that I may have gotten caught in the kennel fence and pulled until it stretched my collar enough to get into my mouth. Then it got stuck. Normally I would have been able to chew this off, but the part that was stuck in my mouth was the metal buckle and my name tag. As soon as my
auntie found me she cut the collar off. I drank lots of water and just wanted to cuddle with her. She and dad's dad dropped me off at the vet so he could look at me between appointments. Everything is
OK, but I do have swollen lips and a nasty cut below my lip on my right side. Dad decided not to meet mom in
Kona and he stayed back to take care of me over the weekend.

Mom's first night back.

Taken tonight. The cut looks better already, but I still have a fat lip.

Please don't leave me again!
Mom and dad would like your advice on what type of collar they should get me. Should they get me a weaker collar that will break if I ever get stuck again? Or is that taking a risk in case I somehow escape? Thanks for the advice!!!