Hi everypup! As you all know, I have my own futon that I can sleep on at anytime and I also have 2 dog beds. Well, it's my dream to one day sleep on the bed with mom and dad! I had a chance to go on the bed today!

I guess I'm not really on the bed, but hey getting my head on the bed is a start! Before you know it, I'll be sleeping on the bed with them!
Probably tonight, eh?
Keep working on it. Natasha is there every night and she decides who else gets to join. Sometimes Rusty, when it is cold, and sometimes Qannik. Rarely anyone else.
Good work, Mochi! Beds are sooooooo comfy.
I need to try that head pose thing you're doing on the sofa and see if I can weasel my way up there.
We get to do sofas, but not the beds. They are all upstairs and we prefer to sleep on the first floor - at least that's what Mom keeps telling us.
Good luck, let us know if you succeed.
Woos, the OP Pack
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