Hi everypup! Today I let mom go out and help with a good
cause. She went with her friend to help volunteer at the temporary shelter. They were assigned to the room that had the pregnant pups and aggressive pups. There was one pup that was so scared, she would not come out of her crate. They ended up carrying her out of her crate so they could clean it. She is also very depressed and is refusing to eat. All she does is lay in the back of her crate and hide her face in the corner.
There was also a mama that had 2 sharpei puppies. Mom was able to sneak a picture of them after they finished cleaning all the crates.

Sorry for the poor quality picture, but mom only had her cell phone with her.

I was tired just thinking of mom working hard so I took a nap. :) Hope you are all having a great weekend!
What a great thing your mom is doing! As rescue pups ourselves, we appreciate the kindness of all of the people who helped us get to Chez Herd.
BIG HUGZ to your mom fur her hard work!
Evfurry little bit helps!
AND your nap looked khwite nice!
Cheers for your mom! Cute nap pic, by the way! Hooowwl!! enjoy your weekend!
Hi Mochi!
It was great of your mom to help out there! Those puppies were soo cute! You deserve a nice nap after all the work your mom did!
:) Tibby
Your mom is the BEST for helping out! And you were very sweet to let her. I know the pups at the shelter appreciated her kindness!
Tail wags,
Thank you for visiting our blog - we thought we would pop over and say Hello.
Your mom is doing great work - we both came from rescue centres - it can be hard for dogs that end up there.
Either being aggressive or withdrawn as you say.
We do hope the dogs find homes but we know in the UK a lot of dogs dont!
We weren't able to say thank you at the time we were in rescue and sometimes we weren't very nice to the good people trying to help us.
So we would like to say thanks to your mom and the other helpers for caring - on behalf of those dogs who are too scared right now to say it for themselves.
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxx
Thank you Mochi´s Mom for help pups at the shelter:)
Looks like you had a good nap, Mochi!
What a very, very good job your Mom is doing!
Aww, poor scared puppy. I always want to rescue every single one of them.
Hi, Mochi!
Your mom is so nice helping them!
Those puppies are so cute!
I can see you gave your mom your moral support!
Kisses and hugs
Mochi, give your Mom lots of lovin for helping those dogs in need. Those pups look pretty young but very cute. I can see why all that work your Mom did wore you out.
Love and hugs,
You need to give your momma some extra loving for all the great things she did this weekend
Woodrow, Sweetie & MJ
Hi Mochi,
We hope the pups will be okay, poor little things.
How nice of your Mommy to volunteer like that, we need more people like that in the world!
Wags and woofs.
Benson and Gibson
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