Hi everypup! I had a play date scheduled for Sunday!

Ok dad! Ready for my play date!

Are they here yet?

Aww...what do you mean they're not coming because of the rain? I was really looking forward to it! I even put on my
Best Friends Bandana!

Oh Mochi. I hope you can have your play date soon. You look so beautiful in your bandana.
Wooos! Awwwwwww. I will come over, I like rain!
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Aawww...we'll come and play with you.
Love your bandana!
Sam & June
Rain rain go away!
aaahhh... don't humans know that play dates can be indoors? they're even way more fun that way! keeps the humons on their toes!
so sorry Mochi. I'm sure you'll see your playdate soon.
wild dingo
Ah wooo, that is so SAD! And that look could just break a guy's heart! I hope you got a rain check!
PS: You look SOoooooo beautiful in your bandana!
how dare it rain when there was a play date scheduled....that is something else.
Snorts and toots,
Benny & Lily
I hope it has been reskhheduled fur SOON!
Woo looked khute as usual!
Poor Mochi - hope you found something fun to do inside. It has been cold and raining here now for a few days. We really were hoping for snow.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
Oh, so sorry. But can we amend your comment to "Weekends should be sunny - or snowy - just not rainy."
Hi Mochi! Wow! Snazzy looking bandana you've got there!
Hey..is dat a stuffy under your left leg, it kinda look like you have another head...scary!!
Rainy days are not fun!
I wish you sunny days so you can have your play date!
Kisses and hugs
dont be sad mochi! im sure they'll come again when the weather is good!
and u look cute in yr bandana
love, snowie
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