Umm...I was kind of naughty the other day and I had to go to timeout. Here I am in the
dogloo in my kennel. You probably can't see it in the small picture, but the edges are all chewed up from when I was a pup. :) By the way, my mom was wondering what
everydog does to their picture that allows us to click on it to get bigger?

Waiting for some sympathy...
We apologize since we may not get around to comment on blogs today, but we will catch up this weekend! We have a very busy Friday and Saturday! :)
Sometimes our pix let you click for a bigger view and sometimes they don't! We aren't sure why! When we want to be sure our readers can get a bigger look, we import the picture like normal, then open up Picassa and get the link there. Then we do a hyperlink onto the picture on the blog. Does that make sense?
Sorry you had a timeout. :(
Tail wags,
I wonder the same thing too!
Sometimes my will bigify and sometimes they won't!
My blog today has some of that issue - woo khan't make the Tuttii Fruittii khat bigger but some of the others woo khan...and we attached from the same pikh folder!
I know Stormy's hyperlink advice will work!
Sorry about the timeout - I sure it gave woo opps to ponder more khool stuff to do!
Sorry about the timeout. We hate those.
We don't use Blogger, we use Wordpress. But when you load a picture, it actually makes multiple files. A smaller one to be viewed directly on the web site and a larger one to be linked to. The bigger one is a reference (html code is href) because you reference over to it and the smaller one is src.
So looking at your code (you can do that on any webpage by viewing source), there is no href - only an src.
Unfortunately, I can't tell you why Blogger did it that way.
Aren't you sorry you asked?
Well, we just had this discussion with Khyra's Mom today and we don't understand any of what the AO4 or The Thundering Herd said. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't - we'll think about what they said.
But back to woo, Mochi, what did woo do to get a timeout?
Woos, the OP Pack
Hey Moch Moch.
What Stormy said was correct. You can use a third party picture website like Picassa or Flickr to create a link. Although your picture size may be large Blogger is reducing the size limits. You can also change the html scripting but then your picture on the blog will be large therefore you don't click anything.
Haha now I made you confused. Anyways I'll be calling your mom this weekend so I can tell her.
What did woo do for a time out? How horrible! I also wondered about the picture thingy...and have absolutely no clue what AO4 or the Herd is talking about...I'm just glad my mommy has enough sense to USE the computer. Anything else is just gravy!
Mya Boo Boo
**loves gravy**
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